Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Situation of Stereotypes in High Schools - 557 Words
Stereotypes in our society can be a major problem, but can be an extremely big problem to teenagers. In my school, stereotypes has a wide range of impact to our students. In our class we had read an article based on stereotypes.Writer and musician, Shankar Vedantam, in his article, ââ¬Å"How a Self-Fulfilling Stereotype Can Drag Down Performance,â⬠claims that if you mention a person race they may have a lower performance on tests. He supports his claim by first explaining that when a person is tested by a person from a different race than them they get a slightly lower score,then he explains how he did research and it shows that if you mention their race before they take a test , they would get a lower score than they usually would. Vedantam purpose is to inform us on how stereotypes seem to affect peopleââ¬â¢s success. He adopts a serious and urgent tone so he is able to inform us with information. This article that we had read caused us to do our own interview. First in our process the teacher gave us a worksheet with questions to use. With that paper we interviewed two individuals, one in our class, and one outside of class that goes to Point Loma High. Then we filled out a google form to put our information in so we can combine them into a table graph organized by gender and ethnicity to see the results on how these different groups answered our questions. We interviewed 165 of individuals in Point Loma HIgh. About 79% of our students we interviewed were 9th graders the restShow MoreRelatedThe Threat of a Stereotype1383 Words à |à 6 PagesStereotype threat is present in our everyday lives and it prevents people from doing things to their fullest abilities. It is the fear of confirming a negative stereotype about you resulting in weaker performance. An example where stereotype threat exists is in the case where African Americans do poorly on tests compared to Caucasian individuals. This occurs because the stereotype is that African Americans are intellectually inferior to Caucasian people. In a setting where the negative stereotypeRead MoreReview of Social Psychology Book by Claude Steele1468 Words à |à 6 PagesClaude Steele, in his book ââ¬Å"Whistling Vivaldi,â⬠sheds new light on how pervasive stereotypes can influence individualââ¬â¢s behavior and academic performance, and how they perpetuate in different social groups. Stereotype threat, as defined by Steele, is ââ¬Å"being at risk of confirming, as self-characteristic, a negative stereotype about a social group one identifies with.â⬠(Steele, 1997) It is a general phenomenon ââ¬â standard predicament of life ââ¬â that springs from intersubjectivity. (p.5) We tendRead MoreResearch Paper on Stereotype Threat1653 Words à |à 7 PagesStereotype Threat in a High Stakes Testing Environment Jennifer J. Krebs Wilkes University Abstract Given the rapidly changing demographics of todayââ¬â¢s classrooms combined with the high-stakes testing environment created by the passage of No Child Left Behind, it is important to understand potential explanations for the persistence of achievement gaps. Explanations for the achievement gap have included high populations of English Language Learners (ELLs), socioeconomic issues, lack of resourcesRead MoreDerogatory Jokes Or Nicknames?1597 Words à |à 7 Pagesas discrimination against nearly every cultural group in the diverse society we live in. They can be used in a variety of situations and for a variety of reasons. Two instances of discriminatory folklore that I have experienced in my life stem from a regional background and from a religious background. Regional stereotypes are discriminations that seem to show up in a situation where people come from all different locations, for example, at a University. The first time I heard the term ââ¬Å"Coastieâ⬠IRead MoreBlack Males Performance in Higher Education1423 Words à |à 6 Pagesthe problems they face during their process. Black males transition from high school unprepared for college due to a lack of resources provided for them throughout their middle and high school year. According to ââ¬Å"Black Male Students Success in Higher Educationâ⬠, black female students perform two times better than black males in a college setting. This may be because female students receive more support through school than males. ( ) conducted a study on black males and found that black malesRead MoreWhy Glee Promotes Social Tolerance Essay704 Words à |à 3 Pagesmight find, you get what you need. This song lyric sang by the show choir featured in Glee represents a theme that is carried throughout the shows storyline. The theme is one that can be applied to the idea of social tolerance and acceptance. A high school atmosphere is often wrought with prejudice and stereotyping, which results in many kids never even having the chance to fit in. The wide range of kids that the glee club composes of are not always s ocially accepted, but the club provides a way forRead MoreThe Stereotypes Of Stereotypes And Stereotypes977 Words à |à 4 PagesBreaking Stereotypes The labeling or stereotyping of different races often define how they are supposed to act, think, and conduct themselves within society. Stereotyping can have an extremely negative effect on individuals in a particular ethnic group that have a real potential to become something better than what their labels define them as. Stereotypes such as all Native Americans are uneducated and lazy, or all Caucasian people are racists, are assumptions that can cause hatred between racesRead MorePositive And Negative Impacts Of Children Essay1603 Words à |à 7 Pagesform of influence that children cannot run from is racial stereotypes. The racial stereotypes in this context refers to the common idea the societies get when they see a specific racial group. This essay will be discussing the relationship between the stereotypes and childrenââ¬â¢s development, in addition to the future effects of exposing children to this stereotypes. First and foremost, children can easily be influenced by these stereotypes because they are at the stage where people around them canRead MoreA Summary On Asian Americans And Stereotype Promise1274 Words à |à 6 Pagesto Exceptional: the Rise of Asian Americans and ââ¬Å"Stereotype Promise,â⬠I think about my own experience as an Asian American student within a predominately white school and how the stereotype promise plays a big part in my life. According to both authors, stereotype promise is the promise of being viewed through the lens of a positive stereotype, which, in turn, can enhance the performance of Asian Americans students (Zhou and Lee 7). These stereotypes becomes what the author has called, ââ¬Å"symbolic capitalRead MoreBreaking Stereotypes1137 Words à |à 5 Pagesexamples it can be said that: stereotypes exist because they are grounded in truth. Although people tend to argue that stereotypes are exaggerations and unfair generalizations, nevertheless, it is important to understand that stereotypes are linked to reality, this can be understood from stereotypes such as Muslims are terrorists, All Jews are greedy, Women are oppressed by men , and Western countries mostly have scarce family bonding, since these stereotypes are based on history and past
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Severity of Sleep Deprivation Essay - 784 Words
Sleep deprivation is a common issue among people around the world, and everyone has or will experience it in their life. Not getting enough sleep makes it difficult for the body to function properly. Insomnia is a well-known disorder, mainly known in the United States; one in ten adults suffers from this disorder (Kloc). There are many reasons why people end up with a sleeping disorder, and the most common reason is stress. When people do not have enough sleep they behave differently, and do not make the same choices as if they were fully rested. There are four stages of sleep. The fourth stage, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is the most important stage of sleeping. A common side effect of BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) is sleepâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦What do dreams mean? Where do they come from? There are many theories in the world about dreams, and what they mean, but it all depends on the person. Many people with BPD have vivid nightmares, causing them to lose more s leep and even develop a fear of sleeping. In 1913, Frederik Van Eeden published a book titled, ââ¬Å"A Study of Dreamsâ⬠(Turner). He went into detail about lucid dreams, and how it improves a personââ¬â¢s sleep. He named the deepest stage of sleep one could experience ââ¬Å"lucid dreaming.â⬠He defined it as, ââ¬Å"the reintegration of the psychic functions is so complete that the sleeper remembers day-life and his own condition, reaches a state of perfect awareness, and is able to direct his attention, and to attempt different acts of free volitionâ⬠(Turner). People can become fully aware that they are dreaming, and are in control, the mind relaxes completely, making it the deepest most desirable stage of sleep. It was not discovered and confirmed until 2009, by a German study conducted at the Neurological Laboratory in Frankfurt, that brain activity significantly increased during lucid dreams (Turner). This time is extremely important for peopleââ¬â¢s men tal health. Sleeping is necessary for life and mental well-ness, but there are laws pertaining to where people can and cannot sleep. In Tampa, people (targeting homeless people), are not able to sleep in public, otherwise they will be thrown in jail. In the Tampa area, it ââ¬Å"had the highestShow MoreRelatedThe Body Of Knowledge Regarding Adolescent Sleep Deprivation861 Words à |à 4 PagesSleep deprivation or the ability to get adequate sleep is a social issue. Persons in a sleep deprived state raise concerns such as performance and safety. Social issues affecting safety and performance are addressed by our society through policies, regulations, and laws. For example, the Federal Aviation Administration has strict guidelines regarding circadian rhythms and sleep for pilots (FAA, 2012, p. 5). Hundreds of thousands of adolescents in the United States face issues of reduced performanceRead MoreSleep Deprivation And Its Effects On The Brain And Body905 Words à |à 4 PagesWhile loss of sl eep must be required at times, sleep deprivation has become a problem worth addressing because it is a very common sleep disorder which can adversely affect the brain and cognitive function. However, It has many effects on a human brain such as depression, memory lapses or loss, and symptoms similar to ADHD. In order to identify what sleep deprivation is, it is necessary to understand how sleep is a necessity for the human brain and body. Sleep is the most important part of one sRead MoreSleep Deprivation Is A Wide Spread Phenomenon1277 Words à |à 6 PagesSleep is one of our most basic physiological needs and getting enough of it is paramount to keeping our bodies and minds functioning at optimal performance. The amount of sleep needed varies and decreases by age. From 12-18 hours needed by a newborn to 7-9 hours needed by a health adult. The basal sleep need varies by individual with some people requiring more or less sleep than others (Czeisler 2014). When an individual does not get enough sleep they enter a state of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivationRead MoreSleep Quality And Academic Performance890 Words à |à 4 Pages Sleep Quality Affecting College Studentââ¬â¢s Academic Performance Sleep is one of the few necessities that are needed for humans to function and overall survive. People, generally adults, fail to realize the need for sleep when they are constantly working around the clock. This sort of deficiency leads to a common sleep disorder called sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can affect teens and working adults but is seen predominately among college students. College students are succumbed to dedicatingRead MoreSleep Deprivation And Postpartum Depression918 Words à |à 4 PagesSleep deprivation and postpartum depression are different diagnoses, however, they have similar symptoms and one can often cause onset of the other. The most typical occurrence that we see happening is sleep deprivation due to postpartum depression. The following paper will discuss the diagnoses and symptoms of both sleep deprivation and postpartum depression, as well as explain how postpartum depression can cause the onset of sleep deprivation, and vise versa. Postpartum depression is the mostRead MoreTo: Ms. Helen Soter, Instructor. From: Brandon Johnson,1622 Words à |à 7 PagesNegative Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Pilots Introduction Meeting the recommended hours of sleep per night is taught as a building block of success. However, certain professions and lifestyles may prevent an adequate sleep schedule. Airline pilots are often required to work busy and ever-changing schedules. Many pilots frequently travel across time zones and wake up for an early morning flight. Pilots often operate an aircraft even when he or she recognizes sleep deprivation in his or her selfRead MoreInsomnia Essay1353 Words à |à 6 PagesInsomnia Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that plagues millions of people around the globe by not allowing them to sleep. Its severity can range between a couple of days to a couple of months, and is curable in most cases. In any given year, about one-third of all adults suffer from insomnia (Hendrickson 1). Insomnia itself is not a disease, but a symptom of an underlying mental or physical condition of the person. There is not a strict definition for insomnia, but it could be narrowedRead MoreEthics Of Torture And Torture1113 Words à |à 5 Pages Ethics of Torture The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines torture as the act of causing severe physical pain as a form of punishment or as a way to force someone to do or say something. But what would one call morally acceptable torture? Is sleep depriving a criminal in order to find out the location of a missing person wrong? Does waterboarding a terrorist to find out information count as a morally correct reason to torture? Recently the C.I.A. released a detailed torture report to the publicRead MoreHow Sleep Is Needed For Optimum Performance1352 Words à |à 6 Pagesduring twelfth grade. Over the years, early school start times has been attributed to some of the reasons why students have been unable to perform well because they have been deprived of sleep. Sleep is an essential part of our daily lives and without it, we will be unable to function, as it is known that sleep is needed for optimum performance. It is one of the factors that determines how much effort we put into our daily activities, and it has several health benefits on our minds asides from theRead MoreTaking a Look at Nightmare Disorders992 Words à |à 4 Pages A nightmare in particular is an event that typically occurs during the rapid eye movement stage (REM) of sleep. Researchers and psychologist (Lance Schrijnemaekers, 2013; Barlow Durand, 2012; Levin Nielsen, 2009) distinguish nightmares as an event that awakens person, wher eas ââ¬Å"bad dreamâ⬠does not. One of the prominent features that is most notable in nightmares is that they can induce anxiety, fear, as well as distress within an individual who experiences them (Nightmares, 2010). At what point
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Analysis of Emily Dickinsons Poem free essay sample
Sometimes simple and easy language can be the most effective to express complex ideas. Emily Dickinson uses plain words to great effect, such as in the poem, The Brain is wider than the Sky. The poem compares and contrasts the human brain with the sky, the sea, and God. This poem is manageable enough for the casual reader to understand, and yet opens up ideas for the sophisticated reader to explore. In the following paragraphs I will analyze Dickinsons poem, line for line, and explain the theme of the poem, which is the relationship between the human mind and the external world. In the opening stanza of The Brain- is wider than the Sky-, Dickinson contrasts the human brain with the sky. In the first line Dickinson sets the tone of the poem and states, The Brain is wider thean the sky-. I usually view the wide sky as being almost limitless, but here Dickinson is saying that the brain is even beyond the limits of the sky. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of Emily Dickinsons Poem or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the second line, for- put them side by side-, Dickinson asks the reader to compare the brain with the sky. In the third line of the first stanza, she says, The one the other will contain, and without saying which one contains the other she leaves the reader to assume that the sky fits within the brain. The brain is able to incorporate the sky and the entire universe into its thoughts. In the last line of this stanza, Dickinson writes, With ease- and You- beside-, to strengthen the point. In this line You means the human body, which is ironic as the brain is physically smaller than the body, but not metaphorically. In the second stanza of the poem, Dickinson compares the brain with the sea. In the 5th line of the poem, The Brain is deeper than the sea-, Dickinson uses this metaphor to say that although the sea is made up of a vast amount of water, the brain can store an immense amount of knowledge. In the second line of this stanza, when she says, for-hold them- Blue to Blue-, she may be reestablishing the sky metaphor that was used in the first stanza. Another way to interpret this line, is the color the mind can imagine compared to the blue of the natural sky. In the third and fourth lines, if she is comparing the sky to the sea, then she is talking about how the clouds in the sky absorbs the ocean water to create rain. Another interpretation is that the brain can imagine the sky, thereby absorbing the sky into its thoughts. The third and final stanza is arguably the most complex of the three stanzas in this poem. In the 9th line Dickinson says that the weight of the brain is equal to that of God, because our total collective consciousness is comparagle to that of God, and the brains capacity is infinie like God. In the second line Dickinson again asks us to test the two subjects against each other, as she did in the second line of the other two stanzas. In the 11th line of the poem, she adds an element of doubt by saying, If they do. The last line I find the most interesting, when Dickinson says the Brain and God differ, As syllable from sound-, which is imcompatible as a comparison. Syllable and sound cannot be compared, which reminds me of the idiom, apples to oranges. To sum it up, the is comparable to the Sky and the Sea, but is incomparable to the mind of God. The form of the poem consists of three four-line stanzas. They follow iambic tetrameter for the first and thrid lines of each stanza, and trimeter for the second and fourth lines of each stanza. The rhyme scheme Dickinson uses is ABCB in each stanza. Dickinson uses long dashes to break the flow of words, which works as a rhythmic device to cause short pauses. The theme of the poem is the complicated relatiohship between the mind and the external world. In the poem, The Brain is wider than the Sky_, the poet tesifies to the minds ability to interpret, absorb, and experience the world around it.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Ocd Essays - Psychiatric Diagnosis, Obsessivecompulsive Disorder
Ocd OCD What does three percent of our population have in common? The answer is a disorder known as Obsessive Compulsive disorder, or OCD. OCD is one of the most overlooked disorders among all mental illnesses, however it is more dominant than schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. OCD is in most cases as simple as the repetitive washing of ones hands, but in rare cases it may be as severe as feeling a need to harm someone. OCD is a undiscriminating in the sense that it equally affects men and women as well as all races and peoples regardless of economic status and cultural upbringing. The diagnosis of OCD is possible at young ages, however if not diagnosed at a young age it will become more severe with the progression of time. OCD is broken down into two parts, the obsessions, and the compulsions. The obsessions as they are referred to, are the repetitive impulses or thoughts that continually repeat in the victim's mind. These obsessions may lead a victim of OCD to believe that they must clean their house several times to avoid a mess. These obsessions lead to the compulsions, which are the repeating of the same task, assigned by their obsessions, which in the case of the preceding obsession mentioned would be cleaning their house several times. Other compulsions are the repeating of the same phrase over and over or a desire for complete perfection when doing a task. Although obsessions and compulsions go hand in hand 80% of the time it is possible for one to have one and not the other. Treatment of OCD is very difficult because of the anxiety that forms when the obsessions and compulsions are not satisfied. One may think that it would be as simple as just stopping however those suffering from OCD find it hard to deal with the stress and generally attempt to stop but fail resulting from the stress. Medications such as prozac are used to aid in the treatment of OCD but presently there are no infallible cures. Personally I believe that OCD should be researched more intensely that it currently is, and should not be considered something that people should just have to live with. I also believe that there is a lack of education dealing with this disease and as a result ideas such as the belief that OCD is harmless are prevalent among many. Psychology
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